The Lobster Shanty, Point Pleasant, NJ
Jack Baker, the son of a fisherman, grew up in New Jersey. He learned all about the sea from his father, Barkos, with whom he fished on weekends and summers throughout high school. It was after graduating from high school that Jack had the opportunity to sail south to Florida to deliver a private boat to Palm Beach. Upon arrival, he took a job as a busboy in the Biltmore Hotel. While helping out in their kitchen, Jack discovered his talents as a chef. He stayed in Florida for several years and it was there that he met his bride-to-be Virginia. After getting married they travels to Point Pleasant Beach where they resided until Jack was called into the service. His tour of duty ended in 1955 and Jack returned home to resume fishing with his father. Shortly thereafter, the decision was made to open a small four-table restaurant in the side porch of their home. After a busy day of lobstering, Jack and his father would cook their catch in an old clothes washer that had been converted to a gas-fired cooker. As word got out, people flocked to buy their fresh lobsters. Business grew and grew and eventually the old clothes washer was traded in for a bathtub, which was also converted to a gas-fired cooker. The porch could no longer accommodate everyone, so a building was constructed on what now is the present site of the Lobster Shanty. Yes, this was the very first Jack Baker’s Lobster Shanty. Many lobster, cookers and years have passed and the Jack Baker tradition of serving customer the best in seafood continues. It is for this reason that we proudly state that Jack Baker’s Lobster Shanty and Wharfside is “the place that seafood lovers (like You!) made famous.”